Where, With Whom, When and HOW?!

My beautiful inside-and-out roommate and bestie is getting married in less than three and a half weeks! Today I helped accessorize her bridal shoot… she was in place two hours early for hair and makeup, hair trimmed, nails freshly manicured, sun-kissed, glowing with excitement and ready to be transformed into Classic Bride, Country Couture Bride and Vintage Bride. I absolutely cannot wait to hear all the details and see the proofs!!

Amidst the flowers, showers, bachelorette party planning and final touches, I’ve become quite aware that my super fun, crazy blessed “Stacy: Roommate & BFF” chapter is coming to close. Of course I’ve been anticipating it for quite some time.. the girl’s been engaged for over a year. But the “less than a month” reality is entirely new. While I’ll not dwell and am choosing to cherish these final days with one of my very favorite and first post-college Houston friends and roommate, another reality is painstakingly clear… I have NO clue what is next.

I’ll get into my job(s) in later posts, but can state unequivocally that I am dependent. That word… nails on a chalkboard. But it’s the truth. I do not have and have not had a stable income for about a year and a half. God is beyond faithful!! I know He will show me, in His time… I just think sometimes that me learning patience must be of utmost importance. *sigh*.. I just will not make a move without knowing that I know that it’s right. Not that I have many options at the moment. Definitely want whatever He has next.. and if that happens to be the HGTV Urban Oasis house in Chicago, sacrifices may have to be made. 😉

One month ago, it appeared I would have THREE roommates. As of today, nothing is certain. Almost all is unclear except that the where and with whom of my next living situation is a pretty big deal. My next chapter will include more becoming and sharing what it means to be chayil, and while I am fully convinced that I’ll never be done learning it on this earth, I’m also aware that He’s determined for me to learn/share in a strategic way… strategy TBD. He’s given me a few ideas that are actionable immediately and I’m ready to get started! But this is the beginnings of a lifelong thing, and I’m trusting the Cornerstone to set a foundation to stand the test of time.

So, according to my timetable, I have less than three and a half weeks to discover the where and with whom of my future living situation. In all reality, the when is probably a little flexible (living with my roommate’s brother without a lease may prove beneficial), and I figure the how will just unravel. Whoa, wow. Me letting the how unravel? I used to lose sleep over the how. My stomach would go into knots and mind explore as many hypothetical paths as possible. *content sigh*… yay progress.

Guess this means there will be record of it all unraveling. I’m pretty stoked about that, if for no other reason, than there will be a testament of how HE has provided and multiplied… and let there be no mistake, anything good that I have, do, am, or ever will have, do or become is entirely from and for Jehovah Jireh. I’m trusting Him to take my few loaves and fish to feed as many as possible, that others may see, know and love my provider. HE is LIFE, and I love Him!

Stacy just texted me… she’s home 🙂 Time for her fun bridal photo shoot recap and a Tiff and Stace photo montage. Cheerio!

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